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Read: 07 - HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions

HTML Tables

What is a table?

An HTML table is a way to represent information, usually in a grid format similar to how a spreadsheet works. Example:


To create them we would use a few elements, like:

Browsers deal with tables differently, some automatically draw lines around the table and/or the cells, some don’t.

JS Constructor Functions

You can create objects using the new keyword with the object constructor to create a blank object, Example:

var car = new Object();

To add properties and methods, you’d have to add them using dot notations, example: = 'kia';
car.price = 3000;
car.originalPrice = 12000;
car.lostValue = function () {
    return this.originalPrice - this.price;

You can also update objects, using the same dot notations, example: = 'honda';

This will change the var from ‘kia’ to ‘honda’. You could also use the brackets way, example:

car['name'] = 'honda';

But this way doesn’t work with methods.

Creating many objects

Using the constructor notation, you could create multiple objects using a function as a template for those objects.

first, you’ll create the function that will serve as a template:

function Hotel (name, rooms, booked) { = name;
    this.rooms = rooms;
    this.booked = booked;

    this.checkAvailability = function() {
        return this.rooms - this.booked;
example from Jon Duckett JS book

Then using this function, we can create object easily, example :

var quayHotel = new Hotel('Quay', 40, 25);
var parkHotel = new Hotel('Park', 120, 77);
example from Jon Duckett JS book

This will create two new objects, one named quayHotel and one named parkHotel, with different values to their properties. For example, quayHotel will have it’s name be ‘Quay’, and it’s rooms number be 40 rooms, 25 of which are booked.

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read## Name and Link
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read04 HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
read05 HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
read06 JS Object Literals; The DOM
read07 HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
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