- Who is Roy Fielding?
Some guy. He’s smart. :P He’s one of the makers and authors of REST.
- Why don’t the techniques that we use today work well when we need to be able to talk to all of the machines in the world?
Because they weren’t designed to be used like that, and as such they fail.
- What is the HTTP protocol that Fielding and his friends created?
It’s about applying verbs to nouns. For instance, when you go to a web page, the browser does an HTTP GET on the URL you typed in and back comes a web page.
- What does a GET do?
It requests data from a server.
- What does a POST do?
It tries to add something to another system or server (data or otherwise).
- What does PUT do?
This one replaces some data in another system.
- What does PATCH do?
same as put, but instead of sending the whole dataset, you only send what you want to change.
301 | Home |
read01 | Introduction to React and Components |
read02 | State and Props |
read03 | Passing Functions as Props |
read04 | React and Forms |
read05 | Putting it all together |
read06 | NODE.JS |
read07 | REST |
read08 | APIs |
read10 | In memory storage |
read11 | Authentication |
read12 | Mongo and Mongoose |
read13 | CRUD |
read14 | Project Ideas |
read15 | Project Kickoff |