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HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions

Links are created using the <a> element. Users can click on anything between the opening <a> tag and the closing </a> tag. You specify which page you want to link to using the href attribute.

  • Jon Duckett

This can include the text, the backgrounds, any buttons or borders and similar.

Linking to Pages on The Same Site

This can be done by specifying the href attribute to be the path to that pages HTML file. Example:

        <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="about-us.html">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="movies.html">Movies</a></li>
        <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>

Relatie URLs

These can be used to link to pages within your own website, they are an easier way to write the URL.

This can achieved using the target attribute, and by assigning a value of "_blank" to it.


Building Blocks

CSS gives HTML elements something akin to a box, this box is either block-level or an inline-level.

Block-level boxes start on a new line, while inline (as the name suggests) stays on the same line, and doesn’t start a new one.

Containing Elements

When a block-level element sits inside another, the outer one will be known as a “parent” or a “containing” element.

Controlling the Position of Elements

CSS has a few ways to control the layout of the page, which can be specified using the position property in CSS, there is also float which can be used to float element.

Normal Flow

Every block-level elements appears on a new line, normally no two or more block-levels elements stay at the same line.

Relative Positioning

This one is the same as the normal flow, but has a key difference, which is that you can control the elements position using the top or left or similar properties, this will make the element move however you specify, this however won’t change the positioning of other element.

Absolute Positioning

This one makes the element position relative to the to its containing element, normal flow elements will ignore this one when positioning themselves.

Fixed Positioning

This is the same as Absolute Positioning but it’s relative to the browsers window and not to it’s containing element.

Floating Elements

Floating an element allows you to take that element out of normal flow and position it to the far left or right of a containing box. The floated element becomes a block-level element around which other content can flow. Jon Duckett

Fixed Width layouts

This layout controlling way doesn’t change the size of elements and boxes in a site with how big the screen you’re viewing it on, this is by and large an old way of doing websites.

Liquid Layouts

Liquid layouts change and stretch or contract when the user makes their screen bigger or smaller, and they tend to use percentages.


What is a function?

Functions let you group a series of statements together to perform a specific task. If different parts of a script repeat the same task, you can reuse the function (rather than repeating the same set of statements).

  • Jon Duckett

Functions make your code easier to read, and make sense. also makes editing the code easier as you only have to edit one function instead of 10+ blocks of code.

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read## Name and Link
read01 Introductory HTML and JavaScript
read02 HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Instructions
read03 HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow
read04 HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
read05 HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
read06 JS Object Literals; The DOM
read07 HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
read08 More CSS Layout
read09 Forms and JS Events
read10 Debugging
read11 Audio, Video, Images
read12 Docs for the HTML <canvas> Element & Chart.js
read13 Local Storage